Game feature - Reset and copy actor movement

Okay, so I want to create a game where I basically can use clones of myself to complete map levels. Basically whenever I press spacebar, I want a slightly grayer and more transparent clone to spawn at the start location, and then move to the location I pressed spacebar, and stop. Basically I want the clone to copy any movement I performed before I pressed spacebar. Is this possible? And can it be done several times?

I'll try to be more specific:

The scene I envision is this: Actor 1 spawns, runs to the bottom of a platform it can't jump to. Press spacebar. Now both Actor 1 and Actor 1's clone will spawn inside each other back at start, but the clone will track the same movement as the first Actor 1, and then stop. Now Actor 1 can jump on the clones' head and onto the platform.


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