Creating my server to exchange info.
Hello GS friends, this week I started learning about creating a server to exchange info with my app.
I found @jonmulcahy topic and sent some messages to @StormyStudio .
What I am trying to achieve is not that deep in this subject. Theses guys already took it to another level with facebook integration and stuff, really impressive.
I followed Jon's tutorial and I had set my server but I don't really know how to execute it using my own table.His asyncTest table is very simple and yet I couldn't figure out how to update it for my own.
My game follow a very simple table, 1 row, 8 columns
column 1 = PLAYERID INT
column3 = ROOMID INT
column6 = POINTS INT
Once the game starts, an actor checks if the server is reponding with a callback attribute.If confirmed, the player set his nickname, this nickname will also be the password of any room that he creates in the future.At this time the table learn 2 things, his PLAYERNICK and ROOMPASSWORD.
After that , in the menu section, the player will click on a "create room" button and a random ROOMID will be set (room for 3 players).The other 2 players on their devices will click on a "join session" button. With keyboard input they write the ROOMID and the ROOMPASSWORD (same thing as the room owner's nickname) , after that, they click on a ready button, that sends to the server a switch on the boolean attribute. Once all 3 are ready (boolean =true) the match starts.After the match ends, each device send it's own POINTS to the server. The highest score receives a callback attribute of 1 and the others receives -1.
That's basically it, and since I am cracking my head over tutorials and online research I figured wouldn't hurt to ask for some info or directions to you guys. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, brazillian learner here
Thank you all for attention and help, any comment is welcome. Wish you all best!