Online and no new provision
Is it possible to publish a app online so people can play with mac or compute like a site
When I sign in
Not seeing new provs I am downloading them and double clicking and Xcode open is it because I made them on a diff computer or I don't have the certificate with them or you can have a max of like 4
Your English is a little broken but I'm going to try and answer....
You can publish to the arcade and embed them into a website for people to play...
You can also...for Mac...if you have a Mac developers account...publish your app/game and they can be played on any Mac without having to sell them through the Mac. App Store.
It is rumored that eventually GS plans on making games to be publishable to create an executable that will be able to be played on a PC...possibly then be able to sell them trough Steam even (fingers crossed).
As far as provisioning profiles go....I'm pretty sure you must create the provisions profiles on the Mac you are using that has your developers and distributors certificates.
When you download the profiles, after creating them and you double click...yes xCode opens and places those profiles into Xcode for publishing to App Store or adhoc testing. After Xcode opens and bounces a couple times on the dock below...that's don't have to do anything else. It would be nice if Xcode would tell you what it had done...or is doing but it doesn't.
My tutorials on publishing may help you with some of those questions you have...see link.
Hope that's answering your questions.
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