Help with this range formula!
Hi, after several hours trying to make this formula to work (range of an projectile) I still cant make it work...
I have fiddling with the brackets, but without any success... can anybody spot the problem?:
Hi, after several hours trying to make this formula to work (range of an projectile) I still cant make it work...
I have fiddling with the brackets, but without any success... can anybody spot the problem?:
mind blown
Maybe these guys can help you out.
Runs for cover . . . . .
Could you upload the project - or at least the part with this equation ?
Are you just getting an invalid expression? Or is it working, but not as intended?
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I think I see the problem... not sure though.
At least with static values in place of variables in my test project, the equation worked.
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I'm pretty sure that's Scotty's transwarp equation!
Scotty: The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse.
I am getting (after lot off tries) a valid expression, but the result is not correct for some reason.
Thanks, I'll try it later today, but It seems it would not change anything really, the order of a multiplication should not change the results....
My equation give me a valid number, just not the number that should give me...
At a glance, looks like your parentheses are a bit off...
try this:
((velo * cos(angulo))/gravedad) * (velo * sin(angulo) + sqrt(velo^2 * (sin(angulo)^2)
Thank Rainbros, but it didnt work neither... (it just gave me 0)
Anyway, Thanks to all....I have given up (for now), and used a workaround formula that works pretty well for what I was trying... "Sin(angle)" rules!
When I finish my current project, I will try to return to this range formula!
Don't give up! The equation does work. If you always get a "0" then its probably some simple thing like an extra space or a missing parenthesis.
Attached is a working model. You can check the GS version against one thats working here:
Hi Rthurman, I do t always get 0 (just with rainbros last correction) but I get results that are incorrect...
I gived up because I found a Workaround for what I needed that works perfectly!
But I cant wait to get home and check your file, it seems promising!!!!!! Surely I want to tackle this equation!
Thanks a lot RThurman!!! Your equation does it! I dont really get yet what went wrong with mine, but yours does the trick!
Glad its working for you!