Does acceleration affect actor's linear.x?

I've put an acceleration to the direction of 90(down) with 1500 of speed in my actor and i set its motion.linear.x to 200 but odd things happen . The actor's motion linear x is decreasing itself ! I have no idea why this is happening . When i turn off the acceleration , it won't decrease but i need gravity in my game. So what have i missed???


  • EpicoreGamesEpicoreGames Member Posts: 188

    P.S. acceleration is relatives to actor

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @EpicoreGames said:
    I've put an acceleration to the direction of 90(down) . . .

    90° is up.

    @EpicoreGames said:
    The actor's motion linear x is decreasing itself !

    How are you able to tell that the X velocity is decreasing ?

  • daaddddaaddd Member Posts: 116

    Create display actors to check constantly these values, as far as physics concern gravity can't affect linear x. keep up!

  • EpicoreGamesEpicoreGames Member Posts: 188

    @daaddd i did :smile:

    @Socks i found that there's something wrong with the acceleration xD I know that it is decreasing as i noticed it became slower and i used a Display Text to display its motion.x and it is decreasing...

    Now it works as normal ! Thank you @daaddd and @Socks !

  • IceboxIcebox Member Posts: 1,485

    @EpicoreGames It does affect the linear velocity x in my platformer game. as i stand by the edge of the platform , if i keep pressing jump every time he changes velocity y and when he accelerates down he moves one pixel on the x axis

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