8-BitIcons.com -Royalty Free pixel art
Hey guys,
Check out my new site 8-biticons.com for all your 8-bit game art needs. The site is a work in progress and I will be updating it periodically with new art. Right now the price for a license is only $29.99, but as I add more art the price will likely go up so now is the best time to get in!!
cool idea and nice art
Might want to consider watermarking your images.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@toastytee agreed. In Photoshop I can scale pixel are up to wahzoo a nice water mark might do the trick. Also embed your copyright if you haven't already.
@toastytee also get your self a piece of code to stop people downloading it directly from the page.
Run a workpress ecommerce and send the file automatically upon purchase.
Also give a choise per icon. You may sell more but at a lower price.