Questions about Mac Appstore(desktop)
Member Posts: 2,239
I know nothing about it but since the developer program now allows us to use this too I have some noob questions.
- Do they have in-apps purchases?
- IF yes does the same procedure work as for the mobile apps?
- Do our advertising options grip?
- Do people actually buy games through this store vs freemium?
Hey Dave! How's it going? Presently, I have two apps in the Mac app store.
To answer your questions:
1). No. GS doesn’t support IAPs for Mac Apps
2). Doesn’t Support IAPs
3). I could be wrong on this one but I am pretty sure that GS does not support ads with Mac Applications as well.
4). Yes. I have seen lots of Mac apps with in app purchasing systems. Unfortunately GS doesn’t support IAPs.
This is a shame because Apple is making a push to make Mac desktop apps better.
Although, GS could never take advantage of Metal coming to Mac desktops. It proves that Apple is trying to get People to thing of Macs as gaming machines.
Also, Mac desktop computer sales continue to grow at a faster rate than PC. I wish GS would Support Mac development as well as it does mobile.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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I have put in a feature request for adding IAP system for the Mac Publisher. You can vote for it here. IAP FEATURE REQUEST MAC PUBLISHER
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
One positive is that because I was enrolled in both the iOS and Mac Developers program Apple added another year to my developers account. As a result my membership doesn't expire until 2017!
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
@robertkdale great infos thanks man, how is it going with your apps?
Wish you succes!
My Apps
Not sure if I want to vote it up I like them to focus on mobile and android features such as leaderboards, twitter fix etc.
So far I never did a mac desktop version of my games.
But I can imagine it to be good extra marketing for a game title.
As well as it would be nice to have real html5 export to cooperate with big online browser game websites.
My Apps
Was going to vote for this but it's not in the list....searched for it and it's listed as a bug not a feature's an unconfirmed bug anyways.
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