How to get a image suddenly in a scene
I was busy with making a fish game.
I want a scene that if you are playing the game, then suddenly a fishnet comes in the scene and destroy all fishes.
Is that possible?
I was busy with making a fish game.
I want a scene that if you are playing the game, then suddenly a fishnet comes in the scene and destroy all fishes.
Is that possible?
It's entirely possible.
Yes, it's possible. You can use the Spawn Actor behavior to add an actor to an existing scene. And you can use a Move behavior to move the "net" actor and a collision Rule condition to Destroy the fish actors when they collide with the net actor.
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Typical, trying to cash in on an innocent question.
Hi thank you!
how does the spawn actor works?
It spawns another actor, you tell it which actor you want to spawn and where in the scene you want it spawning.
thank you very much!
do you also know how i can change a scene with a timer?
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