How to make actor move without jumping.
I looked up everywhere how to do this, but I can only find people saying to constrain the x and y position to the touch, but the problem with that is if I press anywhere on the screen the actor will jump to that spot and I don't want that to happen. Something else people did was making the move to behavior in a rule saying if touch is in or out of the actor, but that makes the actor follow the touch instead of moving where touch is. I want when a person touches the screen, only when they move their finger will the actor move in that direction and not jump to the place someone has touched. Thanks for help.
@Cowuniverse Hello , is this what you are looking for ? or something else ?
I was thinking something else because with that when the actor gets to your mouse and you stay still then you keep holding the mouse down, it won't move until you click again.
Also I was thinking like the game called Crazy Dot on ios.
If I understand it, you want to be able to touch the screen - and nothing happens - but when you move your finger around the screen then the actor moves towards your touch position - is that right ?