what would be the most efficient way to create short parabolic bounce after actor collision?

Hi, all. i am in need of some help. i am working on a bounce/juggling based game and ive hit a snag trying to determine the better way to bounce an actor into the air repeatedly. i am currently using velocity for the direction and gravity to pull back down to the controlled actor. 2:55 - 3:10 is a good example of what i am trying to accomplish. any help is very appreciated.


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited June 2015

    Constrain Y position to: A*abs(sin( self.Time *B))+C

    or . . .

    Constrain Y position to: A*sin(( self.Time *B)%180)+C

    (and a few other ways too).

    A = range of bounce
    B = speed of bounce
    C = centre of range of bounce

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