Looking at the featured games category, it says there were 3 games the hit the #1 spot... What were they? Anyone know? I want to see what they were like...
@BetweenTheWalls said:
Looking at the featured games category, it says there were 3 games the hit the #1 spot... What were they? Anyone know? I want to see what they were like...
Excellent question...I would love to know the answer.
Actually I may know one of them.. Back when Flappy Bird was out, about 2 weeks before I started using GS, I played a flappy knock off called "Blue Bird 2: Flappy Resurrection". Once I started using GS, I noticed the loading symbol, and then remembered that the knock off had the same thing.........The game has like 43,000 reviews.. and probably hit the number 1 spot. If you look up AppleNApps on the Appstore, you should be able to find it.
@BetweenTheWalls said:
I wish I used GS back when Flappy was out so I could have boarded this bandwagon.
There was no real bandwagon. So many clones flooded the market no one really got anything. There were so many clones coming out every day we had to create a master thread for all of them. It was a dark time
Make something original, you'll be much more satisfied
@jonmulcahy ...I believe that master Flappy Bird clone thread was just the tip of the iceberg. Im pretty sure there was probably hundreds of GS Flappy clones that didn't even get announced on the forums.
I even did one... more as a test originally, to see if I could make a game totally from scratch in two days... which I couldn't as it turned out.. and the game sat unloved and unpublished for about a year, until it got used in the Amazon promotion and then published to iOS at the end of last year... https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/kitty-pilot/id955368504?mt=8
I believe I've had a total of around 400 downloads (Free), which makes it my least downloaded game..ever
I wouldn't be surprised if most small indie developers didn't try to knock up their own clone, if only to see how fast they could do it, if not for profit... half of the Appstore is probably Flappy Bird clones
...oops... sorry about de-railing the thread. To get back on topic, wasn't one of the number 1 games one of those Room type games from what I seem to remember. Maybe one of the GS staff could help here?...
To be honest flappy bird was great for the mobile industry, I came to GS because I wanted to make a flappy clone, I did, I made tappy toad and from there I've stuck with GS and have released 7 games now and have many in the pipe line, I honestly believe without it I wouldn't have even considered GS, I was more in unreal engine working on a 3d exploration game, which I still am, but anyways I bet GS made a fair buck with all the pro subs that must have happened
I've had a game hit the number 1 spot in best new games! In the action category and number 3 in family! But this is the best new games not the fratured best games!
Three points was mine. Place 8
350000 Downloads within week. Made $1000 to 1500 + $2000 template sell
That shows how important your monetisation is..
The current version of the game would have made $28000 to $35000 instead.
But I moved on from 0.01 to 0.03 ARPU games to 0.15 ARPU minimum with a combination of none consumable in-apps.
But spot 1 I do not know it might be a marketing quote mainly saying its possible to rank high with this software. Witch hunting leads to nothing except burned witches.
I know @DeepBlueApps Bumps title did really well.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Excellent question...I would love to know the answer.
We had 2 top 20 games but never a number 1.
How much cash you pop from that?
Actually I may know one of them.. Back when Flappy Bird was out, about 2 weeks before I started using GS, I played a flappy knock off called "Blue Bird 2: Flappy Resurrection". Once I started using GS, I noticed the loading symbol, and then remembered that the knock off had the same thing.........The game has like 43,000 reviews.. and probably hit the number 1 spot. If you look up AppleNApps on the Appstore, you should be able to find it.
I wish I used GS back when Flappy was out so I could have boarded this bandwagon.
There was no real bandwagon. So many clones flooded the market no one really got anything. There were so many clones coming out every day we had to create a master thread for all of them. It was a dark time
Make something original, you'll be much more satisfied
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@jonmulcahy ...I believe that master Flappy Bird clone thread was just the tip of the iceberg. Im pretty sure there was probably hundreds of GS Flappy clones that didn't even get announced on the forums.
I even did one... more as a test originally, to see if I could make a game totally from scratch in two days... which I couldn't as it turned out.. and the game sat unloved and unpublished for about a year, until it got used in the Amazon promotion and then published to iOS at the end of last year... https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/kitty-pilot/id955368504?mt=8
I believe I've had a total of around 400 downloads (Free), which makes it my least downloaded game..ever
I wouldn't be surprised if most small indie developers didn't try to knock up their own clone, if only to see how fast they could do it, if not for profit... half of the Appstore is probably Flappy Bird clones
...oops... sorry about de-railing the thread. To get back on topic, wasn't one of the number 1 games one of those Room type games from what I seem to remember. Maybe one of the GS staff could help here?...
Yes! I want to see them!
red ball bounce or something like that is talked about going to 1 as a $10 GS template.
Oh yeah.. Red Bouncing Ball Spikes. I played that before. Some games get so lucky!
To be honest flappy bird was great for the mobile industry, I came to GS because I wanted to make a flappy clone, I did, I made tappy toad and from there I've stuck with GS and have released 7 games now and have many in the pipe line, I honestly believe without it I wouldn't have even considered GS, I was more in unreal engine working on a 3d exploration game, which I still am, but anyways I bet GS made a fair buck with all the pro subs that must have happened
that's wasn't luck, Mateen gamed the system:
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
One was Flappy Cyrus.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@jonmulcahy ...you bring back a name that we'd all hoped to forget...
if you google his name he's moved on to providing hacking services. what a great person
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
When do you think the next influx of cloners will come about? And what will trigger it?
Actually it was a train...the GS train.
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I've had a game hit the number 1 spot in best new games! In the action category and number 3 in family! But this is the best new games not the fratured best games!
Who of the staff should I tag for this question?
I think one of the ePig games might be one. I remember seeing on one of their trailers it saying number 1 in 15 countries or something similar.
Three points was mine. Place 8
350000 Downloads within week. Made $1000 to 1500 + $2000 template sell
That shows how important your monetisation is..
The current version of the game would have made $28000 to $35000 instead.
But I moved on from 0.01 to 0.03 ARPU games to 0.15 ARPU minimum with a combination of none consumable in-apps.
But spot 1 I do not know it might be a marketing quote mainly saying its possible to rank high with this software. Witch hunting leads to nothing except burned witches.
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@BigDave it must've been great seeing your game up there!
@LamboDriva it was freaking exciting man
special seeing next to this big titles but its hard to stay there
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@BigDave hope you make another "Three Points" hit game.
i hope..
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@BigDave I had no idea Three Points was your game! I remember seeing it in the app store, downloading it and loved it. Nice work
I know you'll come out with another hit game soon!
@tappwaterGames If you don't mind me asking, how many downloads have you received from "Top 2 Bottom"?
Love that game as well, nicely done!
@As Of Latte Thanks! But, not so well... 130 downloads maybe.. If you liked that, give Between the Walls a try! It's a lot better in my perspective. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/between-the-walls/id986230427?ls=1&mt=8