Should Score be automatically or manually posted on the leaderboard?
This is my first time messing with the leaderboards so not sure how things work yet. There are no achievements to be unlocked so it'll just be the Post Score and Show Leaderboard. How about the LOGIN? Do I need to put that? Do all players need to login to post their final score?
So, after the game is done, should it post the score automatically or do I have to implement a post button?
All the stats are in my SCORE scene, can I do all the leaderboard work there or should I create a separate LEADERBOARD scene?
Best Answer
gingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Posts: 1,685
@Dell Agarpo said:
How about the LOGIN?You should put the login at the start of your game normally with the load score attributes.
Do all players need to login to post their final score?
Players need to be logged in prior to posting score
So, after the game is done, should it post the score automatically or do I have to implement a post button?
This is upto you. Some games post as soon as the achieve a new score, others only when the player chooses to post their score.
All the stats are in my SCORE scene, can I do all the leaderboard work there or should I create a separate LEADERBOARD scene?
I've answered this on another post for you but to clarify, you don't need a separate scene as the leaderboard will overlay your scene so you only need room for a button to launch it.
This answers all I need answers on and now i'm thinking... how about, player only needs to login if he decides to post the score to the leaderboard? or do you really recommend letting them login before playing the game?
I don't think there is a correct answer, only preference. However if your waiting for the player to login before posting, this will create a small delay and the chance of the score not being posted if the post rule fires before the login has finished.
well then, I guess I gotta think carefully about this then, don't I, lol.... well, thanks a lot, you've been a great help on this matter. I'll let you know what happens on whatever I decide on.
@gingagaming do you know if the "post score" behaviour
will interrupt the game flow and open the leaderboard or throw a error message if they are not connected to Game Center?
I always did post score and show leaderboard in one button, most of the time it works but sometimes the post score is ignored so I wonder to do the automatic post score once a while.
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I was wondering if I decide to let it post score automatically, wouldn't you get a prompt to login first? same with viewing leaderboard.
or should be mandatory for the player to login before playing?
how about, is there a way to disable posting score and viewing leaderboard without logging in first?
I've decided, on the Score scene, i'll have the Post Score and Show Leaderboard buttons disabled until the person is logged in, problem now is How can I make the game determine if the player is logged in?
I normally fire this rule in the game over actor that I show on screen at game over, I wouldn't post it realtime as it would post every time it scored after the new hi score
for Android, do I have to publish the game in Amazon to use their Game Circle leaderboard? and by the way, Google Play doesn't use the com_yourdomain_appname format, it's totally different so I'm wondering if Amazon Game Circle is the best choice for this?
GameSalad Doesnt support Google Play Leaderboards. If you wish to have a leaderboard in your game available on the Play Store, you should use the format:
and also release the game on Amazon with the same ID and package name and it will login into the amazon leaderboard using this format. You MUST use the same package name and same leaderboard ID to work.
Here's the video of the gameplay demo and although it doesn't show the leaderboard, it works, thanks to you
@Dell7730 glad I helped. Good luck with your downloads.
thank you