What will be a good name for this game? http://arcade.gamesalad.com/games/131811
I don't know but it's really fun and simple. I like it.
nice game, I got to 36
a few ideas
time warp warp speed can't stop
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I got 200. Just go above the field of play!
....I got 2.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
"A Ball Way Home"
Thunder Ball or Balls o Thunder
Keep it as "Unknown"
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Some names using the spectrum of light -
Solar Spectrum Spectral Rift Spectroscopic
Just Dodge
...I got to 2.
Up and Under!
I think I will name it Universal Ball. what do you think?
I love naming games......
Duck or Die Quick Flick Zip ball
Zoom Boom Quick Ball
Ups and Downs
Balls and Walls
Quick or Quit
I never said I was good at it.......
@SEMA said: I think I will name it Universal Ball. what do you think?
Its okay.
Not sure where the "universal" comes in to play here?
I like the game though!
@ gattoman the idea just pop up from no were
Dot Warp Galaxy Escape Dodge Drop
Angry ... uuhh Birds? No. Hmm Angry Clash of Flappy Birds Clan 3.
I think that last one is golden.
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I don't know but it's really fun and simple. I like it.
nice game, I got to 36
a few ideas
time warp
warp speed
can't stop
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
I got 200. Just go above the field of play!
....I got 2.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
"A Ball Way Home"
Thunder Ball
Balls o Thunder
Keep it as "Unknown"
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Some names using the spectrum of light -
Solar Spectrum
Spectral Rift
Just Dodge
...I got to 2.
Up and Under!
I think I will name it Universal Ball. what do you think?
I love naming games......
Duck or Die
Quick Flick
Zip ball
Zoom Boom
Quick Ball
Ups and Downs
Balls and Walls
Quick or Quit
I never said I was good at it.......
Its okay.
Not sure where the "universal" comes in to play here?
I like the game though!
@ gattoman the idea just pop up from no were
Dot Warp
Galaxy Escape
Dodge Drop
Angry ... uuhh Birds? No. Hmm Angry Clash of Flappy Birds Clan 3.
I think that last one is golden.
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