Animating high resolution frames
I have a short cutscene I'd like to animate, it's 120 frames (JPGs), each being 1920x1080 but all the frames totalled have a size of 7.5MB and I don't even want to loop it but whenever I try to run it, the editor crashes into oblivion... What could I do to be able to smoothly animate this?
The images are too large to be smoothly animated, dropping their size and/or frame rate would help.
Thank you for the reply. I already dropped them to 480p so the total size is 3MB but it still crashes the editor
How low does one have to go to make it work?
What is your frame rate ?
I was trying to animate it at 24fps.
854px x 480px x 24fps = 20,507,520 pixels a second.
Which the equivalent of viewing a 20 megapixel image every second, even the powerhouse of image editing that is Photoshop takes more than a second to open a 20 megapixel image.
Your best route would be to reduce the image size and the frame rate, GameSalad is not designed to move large numbers of images at broadcast rates, even programs specifically designed to handle movie footage, like FinalCut, need to first compress the footage before being able to play it, even software like AfterEffects which will handle uncompressed footage needs to first render the footage (which can be a comparatively slow process).
I see, thank you for the info
I did this little test a few years ago with Gamesalad it might work for you, the animation uses 250 frames at 568x320 but I think all the images were imported at 1136x640 can't remember. I used interpolate to make it work without using the GS animation behavior it's very fast.
Theres no sound but it's very simple I created the animation in blender.
heres a second video I also did might help.
You can probably achieve a similar look to the animation at 12fps. Most traditional animation is drawn that way and people don't really question it as looking choppy or anything.
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You don't need 24 frames a second. Unless you are composing very complex and VERY detailed animations, in which case GS would not be where you want to carry this out.
You could animate your assets in a single scene. I have done an entire intro "video" using timers and animate behaviors. It's pretty much like doing motion graphics without a timeline to scrub through.