Question about Collide

floatingwoofloatingwoo Los Angeles, Calif.Member Posts: 393

I have two actors. Block1 and Block2 both squares. Both have gravity. They are made independently draggable with the mouse using..

When touch is pressed ..
constrain self. posX and Y to mouse posX andY
constrain self.mot.velX and Y too mouse X and Y

There is another actor. Blank, also a square, unmovable, that both the block actors can independently snap to.

While neither of the blocks are snapped into position on the blank square I would like them to collide with each other. But once either block has snapped in to position on the blank square I would like them not to be able to collide.

I created a boolean for each block (block1Snapped, block2Snapped ) and set up a rule...
when game.block1Snapped is false then Collide with (other block actor)
But it does not work this way, it only works when I change the above rule to...
when game.block1Snapped is false then Collide with ( actor of same name)

Why is this?


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