Signing APK?
Member Posts: 453
I just purchased the PRO version for one year (wanting/hoping to publish to Google Play Store).
I generated the APK.
Now onto the signing APK step it says i need to do it on a compatible Apple Macintosh but I am using a Windows PC.
Can somebody please walk me through what i need to install/do in order to sign my APK?
I see APK signer in my GS Creator->Tools menu and I filled out as much info as i can but I don't know where to browse too for the 4 red fields that require me to browse to some files.
Thanks in advance.
So i followed instructions on how to set up your PC for android publishing part 1 and 2...
basically installed the JDK and Android SDK.
I signed my app, but i didn't see anywhere to specify the time frame (validity) like in one of the videos mentioned if you do it from command line.
How to specify this validity time using the GameSalad APK signer...or do i even need to worry about about this validity time thing if I am using the GameSalad APK signer?
listen to this:
The time is set when you make your keystore
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Yeah but what does the default GS apk signer set it to?
I don't see anywhere where i can fill out the time when i created my new keystore
I have been publishing with whatever GS apk signer set it to and i have no idea what the time is.
If I remember it's decades.. Just like when you make it on the Mac.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
thanks ...decades should be good enough