Shake device to make scene reset or action take place
Member Posts: 2,343
I searched and found only a couple threads. One with a video that is "not found".
I also found a thread with a code snippet in it and did everything like it shows including the self Shake check and it doesn't do anything.
Any sure fire ways to detect a pretty good Shake and then Change an attribute and then even if device is tilted a bit to NOT detect it as a Shake.
I don't mean throw on the ground Shake :-)
I mean like Shaking a container of tic tac like Shake.
Hmm, maybe have an off screen actor that is walled in at all sides, now have the actor movable with some rules In place ie, accelerometer x/y is **** actor moves and hits the walls, when the actor hits more than say, 3 walls connectivity through triggering a world attribute this can trigger a screen shake!
This is basically like a tilt mechanics on a pinball machine!!
Just thinking creatively out loud but that should work
Hmmmm. That's actually the most polar opposite I would have expected to hear...and the most effective solution I ha e been able to search for and find. I'll try that tonight. Thanks @jay2dx
I fact that's very similar in idea to a tic tac bouncing around in a container ! BRILLIANT!!
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No worries let me know how it works out, out of interest I may put a project file together to test this also as I could use this too actually for my physics based puzzle bobble game
Measuring the velocity might be a more solid way as just random movement could cause collides. You could also measure the velocity of the device using the accelerometer.
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When ANY attribute ACCELEROMETER > 30
When ANY attribute ACCELEROMETER <-30
Sucks I have to ad hoc this constantly so far. Like 1 last work around.
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@jay2dx love your in the box out of the box thinking, will also give great visual feedback for fine tuning.
Hmmm. Not working yet. :-(
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Codemonkey's example works for me in the viewer on an iPhone6 its a bit forceful so might need a bit of tuning for a more tic tacish response
Excellent this is a good example of what I was looking for. Thanks
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