Animation problem
Hi guys i've got a ball(actor) moving straight upwards until it reaches a hole(actor) then i plan to animate the ball dropping into the hole.
But the problem is how should i animate? Do i need to create like 10 pngs to show the ball dropping into the hole? If yes, wont it be weird to see both the actor and the ball png on screen? Or do i need to destroy the ball and play the animation? Or should i create a whole new animation that covers both ball and hole actors?
@benjaminmage Wouldn't it work just having the ball destroy it's self once it reaches the hole, with an added "kaplunk" sound adding to the illusion? You could maybe interpolate the size of the ball actor to zero to make it look like it's going down the hole. Your illustration shows a downward point of view, unless your having the ball circle a few times and slowly drop in,there's not much to animate.
Do you really need to animate? What's the dropping animation look like?
Perhaps something like this would do. You'd obviously need to adapt it extensively to fit your game though.
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Nice ! You could thrown in a wobble, as the ball settles into the hole - file attached:
I actually did initially, but concluded there was nothing in OP's question to indicate the ball would bounce around so I took it out to avoid overcomplicating matters
He's got the option now though, and you definitely did it in a better way than I was using 
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@floatingwoo @Socks @Armelline Is it possible for the ball to drop into the hole only when it collides with the hole instead of setting the Y position of the ball to > 600?