.13.24 and .13.26 Question
Ok this is the biggest issue I have with GS. I hate having to install an new viewer everytime I install a new update. The release features for .24 and .26 should not need me to reinstall viewer.
Please GS staff take a minute and see if there is anyway possible to bypass some of these updates. 0.13 to 0.14 i can understand. But .13.24 to .26 NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It almost seems like viewer is required to checksum and match the creator. Can we get rid of what ever viewer is checking?
Explain to us "WHY" viewer "HAS" to newly install with a new update, What, in a update is telling the old viewer not to work?
It is a bit of an annoyance, specially lately with all the recent updates (not that the updates are a bad thing).
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
NO NO...........Details........ What are the technical details that cause this to be the way it is.
When the viewer and the creator are talking to each other back and forth sending and recieving data. When the creator walks up to the viewer and says let me pass. The viewer says..." whats the password?" Why cant the new creator just simply give the viewer what he needs?
What 001010010101000101010101010101 is causing this to be a headache.
Ok i think the premise of my question is clear.
WHY cant this be bypassed to some degree. @CodeWizard
Pretend there is a 100,000$ reward to the first staffer to fix this issue.
I imagine the viewer is not simply a dumb terminal type of thing that simply plays the project - I expect it is built from code in exactly the same way as Creator and the code it uses must reflect the current build ?
But I agree installing a new viewer each time is annoying, more so because the process (at least for me) is so counterintuitive, it takes me hours and sometimes I simply give up !
NO NO...... once again...... Details...
Please... to @CodeWizard can you tell us or have who ever is in the viewer department. Come on here and explain to us why its impossible for you to fix this issue.
Not impossible. I'll check this out and see what's up.
My train of thought is this. When World of Warcraft comes out with a new Patch. Some of the ADD ONs wont work simply because in the TOC file. The version displayed in the TOC files doesnt match the new Patchversion. BUt if you simply edit the old version number to the new one. The addon works again. I know this is LUA. But im thinking is similar to the same issue with viewer communicating with creator?
I think most builds should just work with the viewer. I'm guessing that the incompatibility is just a version check. We'll see what we can do.
I install the viewer each time and it takes no longer than the time to boot up xcode. Hmmm
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Doesn't make it any less annoying have to update it every time.
It's good that it's being looked in to though!