need a team for project
in Help Wanted
HI i really need help creating a game i will try to give you money when your finished and game is published i need a developer a publisher and music conducter that makes the sounds of the game.Email me if you want to help tell me your stats in this order
*what you are(developer,publisher,and music conducter)
*skype(or oovoo or other programs like skype)
*what subject you do best
my email is my skype is LordTata103
The first thing anyone on here is gonna look for is if you are paying? Letting them know that discussion about compensation will be the first thing.
Side note: This thread is uber sketch.
I think that statement answers 100 questions.
@RabidParrot I think the give-away was the use of the term (music conducter).
i will try to do 50-50
If you really look at it, what do you need to make a game? A developer, a publisher/marketer, and a audio Conductor*. If you, @deltap9 don't fall into any of these categories what exactly will you be doing?
can i tell you my stats in the opposite order, or does it have to be exactly in that order?
If you give me USD 10000 first then I will help you for free and try to give you a finished game
you could do it in any order but you HAVE to give that info