Whoa! Links ahoy! The power of word of mouth!
Just for a laugh, I typed in max Vector into Google. It's the name of my game, don't you know 
LO AND BEHOLD! There are tons of pages with info on my game! Pages that I've never even been to! They all seem to have just cut an paste what I'd written somewhere else but still, it seems to be snowballing... is this normal?!?!
I'm hoping it relates to sales!
EDIT: Never mind... none of the links seem to work. LOL. Got my hopes up!

LO AND BEHOLD! There are tons of pages with info on my game! Pages that I've never even been to! They all seem to have just cut an paste what I'd written somewhere else but still, it seems to be snowballing... is this normal?!?!
I'm hoping it relates to sales!
EDIT: Never mind... none of the links seem to work. LOL. Got my hopes up!
Getting the name out there still isn't bad - the more places that say "Max Vector" and "app" the better, IMHO