What could GameSalad do to make your development life easier and keep you on board?
Here's a list of some of the things that would have made my life easier with GameSalad and some of the things that would most likely entice me back.
- Instant loops. Currently the loops are iterated per frame (I believe) which is noticable when you're spawning a large grid of actors. I mentioned this when they were first introduced in the nightly builds and the response was "this should be a quick and simple thing to fix".
- Having all behaviours working in loops including loops. It's like you got lazy here GameSalad!
- Being able to access any actor and the scene from any actor, without the need of breaking it from the prototype actor or relying on dozens of game attributes to connect them.
- Change the z-index of an actor in a layer with a behavior/attribute, without needing to spawn another actor on top.
- Clear a table! No more creating blank master tables that we copy from every time we want to reset and blank the table.
- Fully typable expressions i.e. being able to type self.Position.X, as well as selecting self.Position.X from the menu. This makes it easier to copy and paste expressions from anywhere. And some of us (me anyway) like writing code. You can't copy and paste from one expression box to another without having both expression boxes open. I can't remember if you can copy from one project to another.
I'm sure there's more and if I remember anymore I'll mention them below.
What would make you throw your money at GameSalad every month/year? What would get you signing up to one of the subscription plans?
Edit: I've re-ordered them in order of importance to me.