Different constraining actors

Its been a while guys but i need to grill someone again, if you are constraining an actor to another actor like say a fish in a fish bowl and that bowl breaks and you catch the fish in another fish bowl with water in it how then do you constrain it to the item you just caught it with, i can't seem to get it to work properly. I have different item's in different sections on the scene when the tank or bowl gets destroyed the fish falls and when caught goes from one item to the other to the other than can catch it, its weird. Do i need to setup different values for each of the items that can catch the fish and then say if actor collides with glass of water or fish bowl constrain to one of them type thing, could someone explain how to do this the right way please
If fishA is in Bowl1 >> Do Not constrain...
If fish A is in Bowl 2 >> Constrain to hook.
Its simple...but I am just suggesting a logic strategy here.
In short...
use boolean rule wrappers to make the actor do different things at different times.