Problem with constrain...
Member, BASIC Posts: 18
Hello all;
I'll try and simplify my problem as best I can.
Basically; I have a constrain behaviour which constrains an actors rotation to the touched location of the screen. So basically if someone touches the top left of the screen the actor will rotate to face where ever the touch was recognised. This all works fine.
However I also have other buttons on screen such as a pause button. When the user presses the pause button, the actor rotates to face the button - I want to prevent this from happening. How should I go about this ? All and any help is appreciated.
No so much a Gamesalad Guru, Mark
Your gonna have to make touch locations out of clear actors, Instead of touch anywhere.
Thanks for your reply... I've got an actor that covers the entire screen but is located on the bottom layer. I have used this instead. However it still recognises other buttons touch events...
Can I not use an actor that covers the entire screen for this purpose?
If not I guess I'll set up empty actors in space