8 questions for rules and functions


I have several questions for different rule functions for my one app I am in the making of. I’ve got a pretty good grasp of how the program runs and how the rule system works, but I’m unsure of some of the functions I’d use for different things. So here are my questions for each function in detail below:

First I’ll say that my app has a ball like object that you command by a touch to roll around.
Now for the first rule I’m wondering about is about how to get the main object to stop when it hits the ground, but keep on rolling as well, like it’d be realistically. Though, I wouldn’t want the object to roll forward if it jumped straight up and landed straight back down. So should only roll forward a bit after hitting the ground if was moving forward in the air. I do know how to make it stop completely with changing the velocity to 0 when it intersects with the ground actor.
The next rule is making the object continue to roll a little bit after hitting it once. So you’d touch the object and it moves and should gradually come to a stop if you don’t touch it again. Sort of like how a ball would realistically. I tried using acceleration, but that seems to make the object keep moving forward at the speed entered with no stop.
For the next one, I’m wondering how to get the object to roll down a hill. Where it would gradually pick up speed as it goes down. Would I create an actor and label it with the down-hill rule? Or would this work with gravity function? Or both?
The next question is having the object not stop when it hits the side of the ground actor. Like for instance, a hole that would lead to a death spot. And the main object actor is set to stop from going through a ground actor if it touches it, so in order to prevent that from hitting the sides of this hole what rule would be used? Or should an invisible actor be used with the main object actor set to bounce off of it?
For the next question, it’s about jumping. How would the rule look for jumping a certain amount of distance before dropping back down? I think this should be easy to understand as many games have a sort of jump on it. Otherwise a good example would be the original super Mario bros. game. With how the jumping works on there.
Next I am wondering about how to make the main object’s movement slow down as it crosses another actor (for instance water). How would the rule look for that to make its speeds be cut down?
For my next question, I am wondering how to change the direction my main object is going by another actor being touched (like a button on screen). So I will have a button on the screen that will be touched, and after touching the button will change the direction the one main object is moving. Like if the main ball actor is heading to the right, and the button is pressed, the main ball actor then turns to the left.
Now for the last question. I’m wondering about another actor button pressed that makes another actor appear. This button is to make the new actor appear which is an attack that spins around the main ball actor. The attack is supposed to be appearing relative to a certain spot on the main ball actor as well. And the attack is supposed to spin around relative to this spot. The attack also should disappear after some time. Which I’m assuming I’d use timer, after so many seconds then destroy.

Thanks for your help.


  • allc1865allc1865 Member, PRO Posts: 777

    You should find a template to help you with all of this.
    In short, you can do these in GameSalad, but no one, unless they've got time, is going to make a template on all of this.
    You can go to deepblueapps.com to get platformer templates!

  • tintrantintran Member Posts: 453

    here's a rough project of what you mentioned i think i covered most of what you asked for
    press A D to move W to jump
    and space bar to attack

  • STRIKENSUN41STRIKENSUN41 Member, PRO Posts: 22

    @allc1865 said:
    You should find a template to help you with all of this.
    In short, you can do these in GameSalad, but no one, unless they've got time, is going to make a template on all of this.
    You can go to deepblueapps.com to get platformer templates!

    Ah, I didn't think of looking in templates. I'll have to do that for future references. Thanks for the pointing that out and the link!

    And thanks tintran, that perfectly covered everything. Now I'll have to see what I can do with it to get going on making the app! Thanks again!

  • STRIKENSUN41STRIKENSUN41 Member, PRO Posts: 22

    I have encountered an issue with the angle attribute for the attack actor. I'm aware that it was a new added attribute, but for some reason when I make an angle attribute for the attack actor it doesn't spin around. It only just sits there in front of the ball actor.

    I do have the constrain attributes being the same. One thing I tried was recreating the angle attribute on the one you made and setting the constrain attributes to that and I found that it has the same issue with my game with having the attack actor sitting in the single same spot.

    This is where I was wondering if there's some special thing you did on this angle attribute that I'm unaware of (as I've looked through all the rules and every other function visible)?

  • tintrantintran Member Posts: 453

    yeah in the attack actor, i have a rule that says, if collide with water do a slower spin else do a faster spin.

    you're probably missing that constrain in the else if you just want an attack to spin and not worry about water.

  • STRIKENSUN41STRIKENSUN41 Member, PRO Posts: 22

    @tintran said:

    Ah, the last spot I did not check. But that definitely did solve it, thanks.

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