Hello, new from Holland!
Goodday members of the forum!
I'm Rick, 28 and living in The Netherlands, and I've been modding a few games (Red Alert2 Yuri's Revange, Medieval Total War, Rome2 Total War and a few times Supreme Commander(with sometimes good results)) and the big idea was to go to the Game Dessign School, but that didn't worked out.
So the goal is here to create a Strategy game, preferred turn based.
So I'm searching for a good start to practice to create that, learn the code and to facepalm myself voor each time it didn't work.
So do you all have tips where to begin (I didn't searched the forum yet, at work at the moment)
Thanks in advance!
Hi Rick, welcome!
I have a bunch of tutorials at my website, none are really about turn based strategy games. But you might find some helpful just to get started in GS in general. My website is linked below in my signature.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Hello, and welcome!
My suggestion is that you start small. Search for some basic tutorials and build a few little projects. This way you can Lean the basics of gamesalad and how it works before you move to more complicated projects.
The community here is awesome, and you can always get help if you need it.
Mental Donkey Games
Website - Facebook - Twitter
i love Amsterdam
My Apps
I to love Amsterdam, don't live there but love it,
The plan is to start small, where on this forum is the best place to start?
I've been reading the cookbook, so thats a starter.
I'll check your site thanks!
This 4 part series by @The_Gamesalad_Guru covers the basics extremely well.
Mental Donkey Games
Website - Facebook - Twitter
Finally, a new dutch member, welcome:)!
Any special reason?
@Dues yes
My Apps
@LordWooT Welcome, Lord Woo is it?
@Dues Perhaps its their french fries (chips) slathered in mayo!
Yes! (Pulp fiction is a great movie btw)
@Dues Not sure of the reference to pulp fiction.
When I was a kid I was in Amsterdam in a square somewhere and there was a vender selling fries, he asked me something as he held out the fries to me and I said sure, then he hit this giant plunger and a huge dollop of maya came out , then he handed it to me. I didn't know quite what to say.
Ok check this out
Sorry I forgot to say: Welcome to the forums!!
You will love this community!
@Dues To funny...I used to rent my videos at this little place down here in Manhattan Beach Ca. Quentin Tarantino was behind the counter I think he managed the place...always tried talking me out of the videos I wanted to rent...trippy guy.
Pulp fuction is awesome!
Mayonaise from the tap, I've seen 'em do it, man. They f-I'll keep it decent-ing' drown 'em in that stuff, but it's tasty!
Ja zo Nederlands als het kan, maar zijn hier zo weinig Nederlandse members dan?
As Dutch as it can be, aren't there many Dutch members on this forum?
(we know the struggle of hearing something or reading in other languages.. )
NipaDitlt, I'll check them, thanks
FloatingWoo, na just LordWooT, the name I use when gaming, ...wait, what is a Woo?
@LordWooT I draw this little cat/dog character with my kids and they gave it the name Woo, I think from reading Horton hears a Hoo. Google floatingwoo / images if you want to see more....

Don't forget to watch the intro to the interface as well.
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