How many levels?
How many levels is to few or to many? Im sure a fast paced game would be fine with tons of levels. But what about a slow paced game? My game is gravity based. You start at point A and work your way through obstacles to get to point B of each level. Arriving at point B with the most amount of fuel possible will help determine the score you get for that level. Best score will be kept level specific and over all total of all levels. So you want to be the best at each level. But you also tally up the score of all levels for a total overall tally.
So how many levels should a game like this have? I also want to create a Gauntlet Run. A lengthy run that is 2 screens wide and 4 screens high. Have it separate from the levels, in a category of its own.
Here is a idea of the play style.
In my opinion, I think you should have as many levels that have good QUALITY and not like, 50 levels of the same generic gameplay. You definitely have a good start, and I figure have a few levels of the razors at shorter distances, longer levels so fuel is harder to manage but perhaps fuel powerups to refuel throughout(or maybe not, because that's your seems to be a focus of your game's scoring system). I think you should have your final level made with every type of enemy, obstacle, etc and then maybe work backwards from there?
Since you kinda wanted a number though, here's a thought. There's hundreds of levels of Candy Crush, but when you get to a certain level, you have to be EXTREMELY lucky for the candies to fall in a certain way to advance. I hear from many people, OMG I'VE BEEN STUCK ON LEVEL 100 FOR WEEKS NOW! Then they win it and pass maybe 2 more levels, then get stuck again. At that point also, the gameplay IS quite redundant and the same over and over again. So in my opinion, you should steadily introduce more content to your player over the span of a few levels(when you think one obstacle is starting to get repetitive, introduce the next one in the next level). Once you run out of content, I don't think you should force more levels for the sake of saying, "I MUST HAVE 50 LEVELS!" Many games also start off with a small amount of levels, then when they are released for a while, developers release a huge patch with a lot more levels.
I'd say maybe make a starting goal of 5-10 levels of interesting content that you have fun playing personally and can captivate one of your friends. Note when he got bored and note those times as you add more levels and ask if their interest was rekindled with the introduction of new content.
Depends on the game i suppose…i would say do too many rather than too few
Below I'm planning on 100 levels to start.