Touch Position Run Away! Can Everybody Help Me This?

tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36

The mouse is run away when actor is greater then 700, can everyone help this?

I upload the Gamesalad file here...!oMgngSwQ!85kFTR2AVzz6xqxXytWhTmkpbbgzhzV3gKYvquqN25Y


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Is your problem that the actor stops following the mouse when the mouse is greater than 700? That seems to be what you're saying?

    If so, that's because you have a rule explicitly telling it to do that.

  • tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @Armelline said:
    Is your problem that the actor stops following the mouse when the mouse is greater than 700? That seems to be what you're saying?

    If so, that's because you have a rule explicitly telling it to do that.

    Yes, the actor stops following the mouse when the mouse is greater than 700, you right. Actually the rule is set by another gamesalad members, I have see the rule many time, still not very understand, can you help me for this problem?!oMgngSwQ!85kFTR2AVzz6xqxXytWhTmkpbbgzhzV3gKYvquqN25Y

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Perhaps explain exactly what you're trying to achieve in as much detail as possible, and I can help you achieve it. Right now I only know what you don't want to happen :D

  • tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @Armelline said:
    Perhaps explain exactly what you're trying to achieve in as much detail as possible, and I can help you achieve it. Right now I only know what you don't want to happen :D

    Okey, I will tell you more details, sorry! What I want achieve is I want the actor arrive Y 700, the the actor can not move up again, that mean the actor only can arrive untill Y 700

  • tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @tanchowyeeiosapp said:
    Okey, I will tell you more details, sorry! What I want achieve is I want the actor arrive Y 700, the the actor can not move up again, that mean the actor only can arrive untill Y 700

    More detail is when arrive Y 700, the actor will stop, but X still can moving...

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Okay this shouldn't be too tricky. Are there restrictions on which parts of the actor can be touched to move it? And is 700 the point where the top of the actor can reach, or the middle?

  • tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @Armelline said:
    Okay this shouldn't be too tricky. Are there restrictions on which parts of the actor can be touched to move it? And is 700 the point where the top of the actor can reach, or the middle?

    Touch this pack to move, here the picture

    No middle, need set for 700 for Y...

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    As best I can tell, this is what you're wanting.

  • tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @Armelline said:
    As best I can tell, this is what you're wanting.

    You help me a a lot, I have many actor faced this problem, now you have solve, I have one more step problem, when touch relessed, the actor will back to position, but after arrive Y 700, the actor can not relessed, the actor only can relessed back to position when Y is less then 700...can you help me out for this last step...

    Here is the gamesalad file 2.1!9V42lIqT!zRWW9WHDpXasgD3CDXWpkBXYUSgx1g3hy6xlXZBIk_E

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    Just change the y position constrain attribute behavior:

    Constrain Attribute:[ self.Position.Y ] To:[ game.Touches.Touch 1.Y + self.self.yOffset ]

  • tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @RThurman said:
    Just change the y position constrain attribute behavior:

    Constrain Attribute:[ self.Position.Y ] To:[ game.Touches.Touch 1.Y + self.self.yOffset ]

    I remember you, you help me set the rule before, can you update to the file!9V42lIqT!zRWW9WHDpXasgD3CDXWpkBXYUSgx1g3hy6xlXZBIk_E

    I will, so that I can understand what you are doing..

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    Here you go

  • tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @RThurman said:
    Here you go

    After change the rule, the Y 700 feature is disappear...

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    OK -- I thought you were trying to get rid of the "700 feature".

    Try this one. I think it is closer to what you want.

  • tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36

    @RThurman said:
    OK -- I thought you were trying to get rid of the "700 feature".

    Try this one. I think it is closer to what you want.

    You method is good, I will use it for my another project, but it need add another actor for control another actor, I have many actor already set to use the old rule without add another actor, if need edit it will very confusion to edit...never mind, I will wait @Armelline see he can fix it...but anyway, Thank You

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    I strongly suspect you're going to need to do something different once you tell us the next thing you want to happen, but what you're asking for right now is this - move the two "return" behaviours into the otherwise, not in a separate touch is released rule.

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    @Armelline said:
    I strongly suspect you're going to need to do something different once you tell us the next thing you want to happen,

    I Agree -- given the progression of questions he is asking. That is why I structured my recommendation as I did.

    But I look at like this. He is learning several different methods of doing things and the pros and cons of each. He is building up a library of game mechanics and skill sets, which in the long run will help him to be a stronger developer.

    Plus I get the impression that he is interested in creating a medical procedure simulation -- instead of a goofy game. I like the idea of using GameSalad for real-world training and simulation. (But I could be wrong. Perhaps this will turn out to be a GameSalad version of 'Operation'.)

  • tanchowyeeiosapptanchowyeeiosapp Member, PRO Posts: 36
    edited July 2015

    @Armelline and @RThurman, Thank You So Much For Helping :)

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