What are the disadvantages to using game salad?
I've seen threads where a person asks if you can make money or good money from a game salad app, or other similar questions.
I have the same type of question but what I am truly curious about and what I think people are really trying to get at when asking these types of questions, is Do you have equal chances of making money with a Gamesalad app as you do with say a regular Xcpde app.
Because really an apps success comes down to how good it is, not by what you use. So the question really becomes what are the disadvantages of using GS. One Now obvious to me that I touched on in a recent thread of mine is the lack of support for basic am critical things like Google Play leaderboards.
-So, what are the disadvantages to a Gamesalad app in its base chances of reaching Angry Birds/Flappy Bird levels of popularity?
-And let's say it does reach that level, would you make the same amount of money those did, using Gamesalads offering of advertising/monetization options?
The key is really choosing the right tool for the job. In this case, GameSalad offers a wide range of features for a fair price with an easy to learn and easy to use interface.
Compare that to the complexities of learning xCode or Swift and you could probably get a game ready to be published in GameSalad before you're even done learning xCode.
Can you make a game like Flappy Bird in GameSalad... sure... in fact, there are multiple templates available in the various GS stores. You can ALMOST do everything in Candy Crush. The main thing you can't do is integrate with social media like Candy Crush does... which is now technically against the ToS of the Apple Store anyway - no rewarding players with in-game items for out of game actions.
You can also do Cut the Rope style games, Fruit Ninja type games, etc. with GameSalad.
So you can certainly make games that are similar to previous high profit games, the key is coming up with your own unique twist and making it sell.
Can you do MORE with native xCode or Java? ABSOLUTELY, no and's, if's or but's. Can you do it as easily or as quickly in native as you can in GS... no.