iAD banner doesn't show up on Android
Well in my game I have put the Shoe Banner behavior & I published it . I've been texting out revmob & I've gone through that whole process of getting the revmob ID number & everything. I went down to the "Banner Ads" & I checked revmob & clicked generate apk & I signed it. That little banner thing at the bottom on the screen doesn't show. I thought something went wrong so I repeated the whole process again & it still didn't show. I've tested out the Rev mob iAD banner on my ipod touch 4 Gen & it showed perfectly! I have no idea who could be the problem. Thank you
So, RevMob, or iAd?
iAds will never show on Android as they are Apple-only, as far as I'm aware...
@pHghost so what's the best way to show banners or have I ads in my game on android?
iAd is Apple advertising service. It's only available on Apple devices. You could try an alternative for Android.
@RabidParrot is there a way to have banners in the game beside using iAD ?
AdMob and RevMob banners are supported on android. I think there is a bug with the RevMob banners, so try AdMob.
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