How to display Chartboost ads if only has one scene?
Member Posts: 326
I have a come across an issue. To display chart boost I have to either change scene or pause/unpause the game.
Now, I have created the entire in game in one scene, to avoid loading times, and game salad puts the ugly loading bar on the scene.
But If I want to display an ad, I need to pause, which if you not connected to internet, delays the game, and shows the loading bar. Thus making the point of making the game in the one scene a complete waste of time.
Is there another way to avoid seeing the loading bar? Or is this just another thing wrong with GS?
I wouldnt say its something wrong with GS... thats just how interstitial ads work... They display between scenes to not be a bother during actual game play.
You can have a chartboost start up ad when your game launches. Or maybe a scene reset button.
One thing that may work for you, I have a reset button and its pretty much instant when you push it to reload the scene. No GS load wheel or anything and it does give you the option to run an ad.
you can see how it works on my game here:!/id1001843361?ls=1&mt=8
-Create a new scene. Call it Ads.
-Create a new actor, and put an "Unpause game" behavior in the actor.
-Drag the actor in the Ads scene.
-In the main game scene, when you want to show an ad, just put "pause game" behavior in the rule that triggers the ad.
-Timer - Every 120 seconds
-Pause game, Scene: Ads, enable advertisement checked.
This will pause the game every 2 minutes and show an ad. After the ad is closed, the game will continue, because the "unpause game" behavior in the actor you created.
Hope this helps!
Mental Donkey Games
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I too have a ads scene. I made an attribute named ShowAd, and every time my player dies, change that attribute to +1. When that attribute is 4, I pause the game to the ads scene. In that scene I have change attribute ShowAds to 0 and I pause game righ after.
I know when a player is connect to internet the ad shows straight away. But when internet is not connected to the device, it will still pause/unpause the game, which causes a delay and loading image. Is there a way to detect if internet is connect?
Yes, through the network behaviors. If you request data from the server and the internet is not connected it will give you a callback of -1. This -1 will let your game know that you are not connected to the server.
@NipaDidIt This seems like a pretty solid setup! I recently had the "when button pressed - reset scene: enable ads" method, but this change to scene Ads and unpause method seems to fit my game better!
It's hard to tell through the GS Viewer and I guess I won't really know until testing in TestFlight (with actual ads popping up), but does the loading wheel appear in the corner? Also, is there any lag time in between changing scenes so suddenly?
I feel this may be how Super Dash-Cat @marcgreiff setup his interstitial ads. But I am uncertain...
At least for me, i do not see the loading wheel when using the "pause game" method. The ad loads pretty fast, and the game continues without problems when the ad is closed.
I´m using an Android tablet.
Mental Donkey Games
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Thanks @RabidParrot
Thats the solution I was looking for
@NipaDidIt Ok cool! Do you have music during your gameplay? And if you do, does the music stop during this "pause game" display ads method?
Yes, i have music during the gameplay, and it does not stop when the ad is shown.
If you want it to stop, i think you could put a "pause music" behavior right before the "pause game" behavior. And then resume the music when the ad is closed. I have not tested this, but it should work.
Mental Donkey Games
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@NipaDidIt Awesome. So glad I stumbled upon this forum post. This entire method is exactly what I've been looking for. Thanks!
Thanks to all. This method could be a workaround for an incentivised (reward) ads to work in a game.
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