Will GS work on Windows 10?
Windows 10 is going to be released on July 29th, and while I don't plan to upgrade from 7 immediately, I do plan to update. Will GS and my saves for it work on Win10, or will it have to be updated accordingly before it will work?
It works in the most recent beta. We need to wait til the 29th for the real thing just as you do. I don't expect any issues.
It's out now and I'm about to upgrade my system. I just want to ask again if the Creator and current data is completely safe after the upgrade.
@assortdis back up back up back up back up back up
just in case
better yet, if this is your only dev machine, setup a virtual to test with. or clone your drive so you can quickly revert back
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It works fine for us and should work fine for you. There's nothing really special about Creator, it's just another application, so the normal advice of keeping your drivers up to date and such applies.
@jonmulcahy: Yup, I was backing up my own stuffs when you wrote that post. Always have backup
Also, I was testing both the creator and my game on another computer that's running Windows 10. As far as I can tell there is no problem so I'll go ahead to upgrade my own computer.
Thanks GS team!
I wasn't expecting the upgrade to convert literally everything (and i mean literally everything in it's state) over to the new os. I mean desktop picture and icon positions and all, it's a 100% conversion and compatability with Windows 7 to 10. But it still is good to have a backup. But I can confirm after using it since the 29th everything runs great.
It's not just another application. Win 10 uses Edge and I noticed Creator uses Javascript to show game previews, isn't this an issue?
Native preview doesn't use Javascript.
Web preview on 13.x versions uses an internal web view that doesn't rely on any particular browser being installed. The web preview for 1.x will be the same, it just isn't quite finished yet.
I have not had, or heard of, any Windows 10 specific issues and I use Creator on Windows 10 every day.
Thanks George, but if native preview doesn't use javascript how come once I made a mistake and deleted gse-preview.js and could not preview my games anymore?
No problems here!
Dunno, but it doesn't use javascript.
Try for yourself and you'll see you can't preview without the Web dir
George, let me be upfront with you: last year I was PRO for a year but never finished my game. I don't have much time free. I updated from Win 8.1 to 10 a couple of weeks ago and this weekend I tried to work a little on my game but couldn't, because my Gamesalad Creator preview doesn't work any longer. Yes, I need to update to the new subscription model. But as I don't have much time free, and I could take me another year to finish my game, I think I will give up on it all the way. Thanks.
Yes, the Web directory is necessary for correct operation of Creator, but it isn't because native preview uses it.
The 1.x version should be much more compatible if you're having trouble with native preview. If you want to try and get it worked out we'd be glad to help. We're just a click on the question mark in the lower right away.
Thanks George, but I see you didn't read my post. I was using an older version of the Creator and didn't want to buy the subscription until I was closer to release date. Updating to Win 10 ruined it. Anyway, I think I have found the issue: (not that I can do anything about it)
I did, but thought maybe you still had some trial time left since they were all reset recently with the change so it's only days you use Creator versus calendar days.
The version of Qt we used works in Windows 10, the support they are talking about is for their progress wrapping the new features in their product so programmers can use them without resorting to native Windows calls.
@diogoredin The new versions of GameSalad Creator no longer use Qt. Works great on Windows 10 as far as I can see. If you're continuing to have problems on Windows 10, click the blue help button and let's get you sorted out!