feeling exhausted..not as good as I want to be
been making games for a while I still don't feel like i am there where I should be with my work.
i wanna create something people love.. that means something to someone. i deleted over 20 of my apps now only left what means something to enough people.
What ever I start now , feels meaningless.. who cares..
How do you overcome motivation blocks..?
Life can be hard, success requires hard work and there will be hard blows for sure. Focus on the positive things, learn from the past but don't dwell on it and keep on rockin'
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Maybe try something completely different. You´ve pretty much mastered the art of Clicker games already.
Start working on something that you have not tried before. Maybe that will give your motivation back.
Mental Donkey Games
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Don't push yourself to hard when you feel that way. It will only lead to more pressure. Instead try to think about what awesome stuff you have achieved so far and take a couple of days off.
Also remember that you are one of few GS users who actually made a game that was featured by Apple. That is a great achievement!!
Keep it up! Motivation will come back! You rock
All artists go through this. It usually signals a change in creative focus. The best thing you can do is spend time with your creativity. Walt Disney used to go through a similar thing even after all his great sucesses because he was always in search of that next thing. He used to take months off and just take in things and once he was full and rested he would plunge into the next thing that inspired him. Being busy doesn't always equate to being productive or sucessful. Quiet contemplation is vital to creativity.
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