Messaging system for gamesalad?
Hello guys, I was thinking about building a simple MMO for gamesalad, and I figured that i'll be needing a chat system for this to work. Where playmates/people can chat with one another. Is there a way to do this on gamesalad? or do I have to get a third party for the messaging system/server? I'd really appreciate it if someone can answer this. Thanks!
There is no "GS" related chat system within the creator
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Server is your best bet.
A chat system is great tool for engagement for any games which might not has experimented with it. Specially games where players can be stuck but also for simple highscore games where the highest score of the player could be represented in his/her name. But I think its a time costly process to build something like this special since your a new gs user. It will take you the same when not more time as building a small game to create this feature.
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When playstogether multiplayer is put back in. It has ability to send messages.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
playstogether hmmm i should look at that. Thanks guys I'll take note of all these.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru Is there anywhere an officially documentation / information about multiplayer?
I only found your video.
I'm the only one working on multiplayer at this time. I'm almost done with a battleship game learning template. I've been bug hunting with the GS staff these last few weeks to help them spot the issues that remain.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
wow. gotta work my ass on learning everything i can to make use of that
I should warn you. Multiplayer is not for the faint of heart. One needs to be well educated in all the coding tricks and methods in creator. It's especially important to understand all you can about tables and all the methods for using and manipulating tables. Multiplayer is completely tables based. Normal type attributes play a minor role in coding a multiplayer game. There are many intricacies to transfering data across two players. To this point for me this has been the most difficult logic i have done in my five years of working with gamesalad. It can be done but one must be ready to do lots of study and lots of preplaning of your code. If you are not in the habbit of being detailed and extensive planning you will be in for lots and lots of debuging and failure. A multiplayer game can only be debuged while logged in to the playstogether network as values are done through network tables. It takes a lot of work to debug a multiplayer game. It can be done but be prepared for lots of work.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS