Quick Question- Do I need to renew my Apple developer account to test out games using GS Installer
So I have let my apple developer account expire and I don't want to renew it until I have a couple of games ready to hit the app store.... However, I want to test out my games on my iPad so I was wondering if I need my Apple Developer account to become active again so I can use the GS installer on my device.
Thanks to anyone who can answer.
Yes you can't install anything on apple devices without a developer account. But Apple changed their developer accounts so parts of it are free now. Check it out.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
So the answer to the question then is yes....I need to pay the $100 for the year in order to install and test out my games on my iPad
Not quite sure, Apple made some changes recently so go check if that was one of the changes.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I myself have an account so you will need to go to apple developer and do the research for yourself. I'm sure you are quite capable of doing this.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Testing on apple devices is now free. you just need to sign up with the free developer account.
I'm sure I read not so long ago that you're now allowed to install apps on your own device (i.e. the GameSalad Viewer) without an Apple license.
This page shows that you can install on your device with the basic free account. Scroll down to the comparison chart at the bottom of the page.
Why do we constantly do the work for other people? I'm all for helping but what happened to teach a man to fish?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Would you like me to google that for you Dave? Lol.
Using Xcode 7 you can provision your devices for free development - it works for me
I had forgotten the big caveat that this only works for the viewer at the moment as GS does not get its head around Xcode 7 ( @CodeWizard ? ) and can't seem to find the required certificates.
Xcode 7 is still beta
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
so is GS
and I'm sure this would ( read might
) be a five minute fix 
but a valid point of course @The_Gamesalad_Guru
How do you determine it's a five minute fix. I always find that amusing. I am being sincere when I ask for a rational explanation of how it could only take 5 minutes?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I'm at work so any excuse to shirk my responsibilities is fine with me. Took me like two seconds to find the answer for them so I'm not bothered.
@goliath Happy to report that you can indeed do full development testing on your own devices or devices you have access to without an Apple paid developer account.
The trick is to create a dummy Xcode 7 iOS project with the bundle id that you will be using to install your GS app. Once you have installed this dummy app from Xcode onto your device GS will see the provisioning profile and will happily sign your app. When you subsequently install your GS app on your device the dummy Xcode generated app will be overwritten.
If it takes less then 300 seconds
That's lame..lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I will try and thanks for all the feedback and comments. Fingers crossed this works. I just want to get some games ready to go before I re-up my membership is all.
Well after hours of trying I am getting closer (at least I think so....had to download the beta version which took 20 minutes, restart computer a couple times, build a demo app etc) but now I am getting this message (please see screenshot).
It says linker command failed with exit code
Has anyone come across this?
You can't install the viewer with the beta version of xcode
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
You most certainly can
I have done so on numerous occasions
Oh well then. I stand corrected.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@tmann have you ever run across the error message I received in my previous post?
@Goliath No I'm afraid I haven't but there are plenty of google hits for it that will probably give you a load of different things to try
How are you loading the viewer project file (this is the viewer you are working on ?) I always just double click the Xcode project file in the downloaded folder which starts Xcode and loads the viewer project, this way you know Xcode is starting clean.