Can Anybody Help in regards to /Users/user/sdk/tools/zipalign
Member, PRO Posts: 46
I am having real trouble regarding locating this folder ? destination /Users/user/sdk/tools/zipalign ?? i can't seem to locate it on this mac, I'm new to mac and its probably a piece of pee to everyone else but no matter what i try i can't find it , Its in regards to this.... any help appreciated.
You have to install the Android SDK.
Thats the old destination, point it towards
user/sdk/build-tools/ and then the latest version which i think is 22.0.1 zipping should be there.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
The quickest way to find it is to do a spotlight search in osx for zipalign
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
It seems getting this bit right is a lot harder than creating a game, seriously burning my head out this, followed step by step and yet that box still shows the red mark next to it ?
Did you navigate to it by using the select?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@The_Gamesalad_Guru , Thankyou you have helped me so much including your video's i appreciate it very much, bit by bit I'm getting there, That worked what you told me but now I'm getting this, don't think this will be a massive problem but wondered if you ever encountered it.
Make sure you typed the info in by hand when you made your key. I should redo this video.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
i follow that step by step i even put the validity to 10000 but for some reason only gives it for 90 days ?? why is this
keytool -genkey -v -keystore freedosh151.keystore
-alias stick ninja new -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
You may need to add quotes around the alias name because it has spaces in it. Alternatively, don't use spaces.
would that change the 90 day fault
though ?
It might since that option appears after the name with the spaces in it. You also need to be sure you're actually executing the entire command on one line. It appears to be 2 lines in your post, but I don't know how you entered it in terminal. If it's two lines then everything in the second line is ignored, including the validity.
tried that it still only validates for 90 days,
Tried what? I just made a keystore on my Mac using your command one one line with quotes around the alias name and it worked fine. Without quotes around the alias name the command completely failed because ninja and new aren't valid command line parameters.
If you're pasting the command into terminal, use a text editor to make sure the command is a single line, then paste that into terminal.
keytool -genkey -v -keystore freedosh151.keystore -alias "stick ninja new" -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
ahhh i get you, i will try that and let you know, cheers
@GeorgeGS thank you that helped did the trick , cheers i appreciate it very much.