Runner falls through platform near the end (Windows users please vote for reported bug)
My runner is falling right through the ground and platform before he reaches the end (of platform).
Edit: This isn't occurring when testing with Android Viewer. maybe a bug in GS Preview
Bug reported with attached windows project file:
Windows users please give the project a load and observe that hero is falling through ground near the end of platform, and vote for above bug so that the bug will get fixed and we'll be able to create (more like heavily test) endless runner games
thats weird, how are you moving it?
i used a constraint linearVelocity.x = 300
I have updated my original post to include game projects...just simple actor moving and colliding with land, but for some reason it falls through the ground before the platform ends and it's only happening in GS Preview, I tested on android viewer and it works fine (doesn't fall through the ground near the end).
That will certainly help people, it's very difficult to work out an issue without knowing anything about the underlying code.
I wonder if it's just a GS Preview on Windows bug thing? Is it happening on MAC?
Hard to say, but I have seen this exact kind of thing before . . . usually when constrained actors collide with other actors . . . but like you say it could just be a Windows preview bug, I'll try out the project files a little later (not at my computer right now).
Just tested the Mac version, like you say, it works just fine with the Mac version.
It almost looks like how a circle collide would act.
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I agree. Definitely the first thing I'd check.
Edit: I did check. Not this. But also not happening at all for me using your Mac project file.
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I have a user of one of my template files (on windows I believe) that this is happening to as well. I haven't been able to find out why yet. I'm going to ask them to do a test build and see if it happens on a device to help narrow down if it is just a Creator/Preview thing. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Agreed, that's the first thing I checked.
so looks like it's just windows preview bug thing then.
When i tested on my Android (using android viewer) it works, this is not happening on android. But sadly I would like to do most of testing as i build my level on Creator/Preview and testing the jumping off at the very end of the platform is kinda important for these types of games.
@tintran, if you have confirmed its a bug in the preview of creator you should report that. I have't heard back from my user yet but it sure looks like they are having the same issue. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
okay, i'll report it right now.
bug reported:
Thanks! I'll vote for it once I get confirmation from my customer. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I have seen it before. Do you have scene wrap enabled on X? Try and turn it OFF and see if it make and difference.
Scene wrap X is not enabled.
Ok. hm.. weird i'm pretty sure i Tried it a few times with wrap x on, and turning it OFF helped. I Will tre and Load some of my Older files tomorrow and see..
@GeorgeGS any chance this bug will be fixed for next release? please.
Since I don't know why it is happening I can't really say how long it would take to fix or when that might happen. I see the bug in the database though, so that's a good start.
Do you know if it happens in web preview as well?
It's not happening in Web Preview
maybe i'll use Web Preview in the mean time.