when the game screen is resized....

When I resized the screen size.my game is not working in the preview screen.but it will work fine in initial screen size....is it normal?? or gamesalad software issue???? or any issue with my game???. Anyone have this issue????plss hep me...............


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @blackmoroi said:
    When I resized the screen size.

    Do you mean the scene size ?

    @blackmoroi said:
    my game is not working in the preview screen.

    Can you define 'not working' ?

  • blackmoroiblackmoroi Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2015

    when I go for the preview. Initially (iPhone legacy) it works fine. but when i changed the iPhone legacy landscape to ipad landscape, some buttons are not responding and the game scene is also not responding.that is actors are not responding.pls help me....

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