Help! would you tell me how to make rule.....

satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

Hey guys !!
I want to make a game which is touch actors (actor1, actor2, actor3,,,,repeat) in order.
If player touch in disorder, that is mistake.
Would you tell me how to make the rule in GS ??


  • hoomann210hoomann210 Member Posts: 63

    is the order of actors predefined by you or is it random every time you start the game?

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    hoomann210 >> Yeah, I want to set random.
    For example, When player start game, it appear the number 1-3 random,
    And, player have to touch the numbers from 1 to 3 in order. so to say, touch 1,2,3,1,2,3, exactly.
    If the player touch different number, it is false.
    Could I tell you easy to understand??

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    The_Gamesalad_Guru >> Thank you for great movie.
    But maybe, it might be different from what I want to know....
    Anyway, thank you for your information.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    It's more than just a rule. We need to know if the order of the actors will change?

  • hoomann210hoomann210 Member Posts: 63

    @satoshiwakata i think it's pretty much like the concept that i used in one of my apps...what you can do is to define an attribute for each of your objects say a1,a2,a3=0 and another 2 attributes like b,c =1
    when you select an object (say a1)change attribute a1=b and b=b+1;
    then next one (a2) change attribute a2=b and b=b+1;
    and same goes for a3.
    when you touch a1 check if a1=c or not..if its true then c=c+1 if not you've lost..
    then go to a2 and after touch check if a2=c or not and so on.

    hope it helped you..i tried to say it as simple as possible
    and i have to tell you it may not be the only way to do it but it worked for me

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Here's one way. I may have overcomplicated things a little...

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    Thank you for your reply.
    No, We do not know if the order of the actors will change !!

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    hoomann210 >>
    Wow, Great. I try to make a rule by refference to your comment for the time being...

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    Armelline >>
    Great! your file will help me. Wonderful!

  • hoomann210hoomann210 Member Posts: 63

    @satoshiwakata is it something like this that you are looking for?
    this is the one that i have to turn off by the order they are turning on

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    hoomann210 >> Yeah! exactly. Your game is similar with what I am going to create.

    What the defferent points my game from your game is,,,,,,,,
    My game is going to fall down several number at random , and player is required to tap the number in order (1,2,3,1,2,3).
    If you can , would you like to show the template ? (The idea is very precious for greater, so if you do not want to do so, no problem.)

  • hoomann210hoomann210 Member Posts: 63

    @satoshiwakata i don't mind giving you a template but it takes time to simplify it for you cause it may be confusing...the only thing you need to add to what i said before is add another attribute named "selector", put it in timer, say every 1sec change selector=random(1,3)...1 for object 1, 2 for object 2 and 3 for object 3..then for example in object 1 put a rule and check if selector=1 then do those things that i said object 2 check selector=2 then do so and etc...this is what i did for 30 objects.

    if you still want it i could make it for 5 objects...just give me msg here

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    hoomann210 >>
    Thank you for nice reply!
    I still want it. I am little bit hard to understand about behavior because of beginner of GS.
    I want to study about behavior with seeing templete.

  • hoomann210hoomann210 Member Posts: 63

    test this project...this is a simple version of what i explained before

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    hoomann210 >>
    Thank you for great reply.
    I try to study with your template.

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    hoomann210 >>
    Hi! guy!
    Thank you for help.
    If I want to add behavior which tap numbers repeatly(so to say, not just "1,2,3, 4 and 5" but "1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5......repeat untill player making mistake"), what do I set behavior in your template??

  • hoomann210hoomann210 Member Posts: 63

    you've got five objects which get value from1 to 5...when you press the one with value 1 what will happen to it? does it change to 0 and stays that way until you get to 5? or gets a new one which in your case would be again 1 and this way the order would be the same i guess

  • satoshiwakatasatoshiwakata Member, PRO Posts: 60

    hoomann210 >>
    Thank U ! I will try. if I have a problem, I post a message.

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