keytool password
Can anybody help me regarding this as my head is totally mashed now, how can something work perfect 1 day and then not the next - when i am signing my app in gs for android its saying my keyhole password is incorrect which is most definite isn't, i also seem to be struggling with the terminal recognising the code, sometimes it won't ask for a password and then it does but then it won't accept the password in gs the red warning sign stays on, i have checked my language on my mac and its defo set to english, it worked perfect yesterday and now this ???? any help welcome, only difference since yesterday i updated GS for the 50th time
We didn't change anything that should affect that in the most recent build for Mac. I would try this from a terminal to see if a more verbose error message is available.
keytool -list -v -keystore "your keystore file" -storepass "your password"
If you get an error the first line of the exception should say why. Something like "Keystore was tampered with, or password is incorrect".
B=Not getting a single response from that seems strange it was working minutes before the update ? i know its not the update, wonder what could be wrong with terminal
Dunno. Can you run other commands like ls or whoami?
i think its a problem with terminal its got to be
make sure you keyboard is set to us english
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