Armelline's Level Select System with Flexible Stars (FREE!)

ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

Here's a level select system I threw together that takes a slightly different approach to the stars.

Levels are stored in a table, and in that table you can define how many stars are available for each level (so you're not limited to 3 stars for every level), how many stars the player has got for that level so far, and how many stars they need to get for that level before they can use the next one.

Key features:

  • Define any number of stars for each individual level
  • Automatically spawn the number of stars gained so far
  • Option to spawn silhouettes of each star so the player can see the number of stars they could have got
  • Automatically detect if a level is locked or unlocked
  • Spawn padlocks to indicate locked levels
  • Prevent the user clicking on locked levels

Hopefully some people will find it useful! I go into a bit more detail in the video below:

Download it (no signup required) from here:


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