GS in-house made, external lightweight editor that could increase GS development speed.
I posted this in feature request, but the post only shows the image posted. I post it here to see what others think?
Anyway, It's not a replacement for the editor, rather a lightweight, external program developed by GS for more advanced users. It doesn't have preview or anything. It would look like a "text editor" but have a dropdown for GS attributes and pre-defined lines that convert to rules/behaviors/etc when loaded into the normal GS creator. If you need more info to better visualize it, I'll create a mock up.
But basically, say you type or load the line from a drop down menu into the text area:
The program would then export the code as an actor/asset/scene/etc,{depending on what mode the file was in when you created it.} Then you can drop that file into it's respective folder{along with the object/asset/etc. files it would create alongside it so that the new actor/scene files will work properly. Then when you open editor, you will see the visual boxes like as if you had built it in normal GS creator itself.!
You can basically do that, if you know you way around XML.
I know, but this would make it faster. In XML, a single behavior has tons of brackets, quotes, and id numbers. Sometimes I input the wrong id, or do something wrong in the xml, and the game crashes in preview instantly or the creator itself will be unable to load. I see a pattern, but don't quite fully understand it.
Knowing XML is the trivial part, reversing what is going on with GS far less so. Without any kind of debbuger it is a long and eventually thankless task... see DBA
@tmann I see, I've never used the debugger, how does it work? Is it Windows compatible or just Mac? I have access to both though.
I ended up looking at the XML's when trying to figure out a quick way to add tags to actors. As in the windows version, you can't check the tags list to put an actor in. The only way is to drag them into the folder. But with 100 actors between the two, I had to find a quick way to do it, experimented with the XML, and it worked, was able to add tags to 20 actors at a time in 2 minutes.
@Franto (sorry missed your reply) Looks like you are well ahead if you have had functional success with XML juggling. It can be fun and certainly rewarding if you are that way inclined... I toyed a few years ago but lost interest as DBA mastery started to shine through.
The debugger isn't one really, not sure how it might function in the windows version but on MACs it is just a log to a separate window ( console ) very useful but definitely not a debugger.