are you playing a game or tuning a radio?
steel beach is a navy term. @RP is a navy veteran. In the navy if the have too many days before having made a port, they stop the ship and have a day off. They cook and swim and lounge on deck et.. That type of event is called steel beach. So the effects you hear are part of the loop. The game starts with the control tower chatter on the communications system then someone tunes a radio and the party gets started. The game is no where near complete so the tunning isn't coded to turn off yet so it loops. There will be a jet flying around and when a sailor is launched and hits a specific target the jet will fly by and report to the tower the event. So say he gets on cannibal island the jet pilot would report how it looks like the guy is on tonights menu et... That kind of stuff.
@FINNBOGG Oh wow! That's awesome. I really did not know what I wanted to do when I first went in, so I played a grape fuely on the flight deck for a few years (a pre-com/new-com unit out of SanDog), then went to Army ROTC thinking that's what I wanted to do, but somehow ended up at Apple. No complaints! I dunno, I must be a nomad of some kind. I can't stay put too long. Now I'm caught up in VFX, AV foundation and Ruby on rails.
I guess that's what the Navy gets for teaching SNAP2 back in that day
Yeah, nonskid is terrible especially for wogs. Wogs beware!
steel beach is a navy term. @RP is a navy veteran. In the navy if the have too many days before having made a port, they stop the ship and have a day off. They cook and swim and lounge on deck et.. That type of event is called steel beach. So the effects you hear are part of the loop. The game starts with the control tower chatter on the communications system then someone tunes a radio and the party gets started. The game is no where near complete so the tunning isn't coded to turn off yet so it loops. There will be a jet flying around and when a sailor is launched and hits a specific target the jet will fly by and report to the tower the event. So say he gets on cannibal island the jet pilot would report how it looks like the guy is on tonights menu et... That kind of stuff.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
bye guru, hello @Lost_Oasis_Games
!! game is looking fantastic, good luck with it and future projects.
Yes and notice the sharks circling....
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
That's what I like to call a motivational event..lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Ex navy. Weapons tech f-18 hornet. Had many steel beach picnics. Seen a many idiots tear some knees up on non skid decks. Playing basketball.
@FINNBOGG Oh wow! That's awesome. I really did not know what I wanted to do when I first went in, so I played a grape fuely on the flight deck for a few years (a pre-com/new-com unit out of SanDog), then went to Army ROTC thinking that's what I wanted to do, but somehow ended up at Apple. No complaints! I dunno, I must be a nomad of some kind. I can't stay put too long. Now I'm caught up in VFX, AV foundation and Ruby on rails.
I guess that's what the Navy gets for teaching SNAP2 back in that day
Yeah, nonskid is terrible especially for wogs. Wogs beware!
Thank you for all of the wonderful videos @Lost_Oasis_Games ! I have learned a great deal from you. I wish you the best!
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life is short have a beer
miss ur tutorials.
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