Why wont my app generate?
I published my game and clicked "generate". Ive waited 2 hours (usually it takes 30 seconds) and it hasnt generated yet. Why? What should i do?
Best Answer
RabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Posts: 956
@stephenriska123 said:
Thank you I'm with tech support so ill help him out when I'm doneDid you right click the "generate" button tab?
Reload the page or just close the portal...try again and change the version number +1. It will allow you to generate again.
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I tried this...same result. It just wont generate. I even added another android version and that didn't do anything either...is there a bug in the servers?
It sounds like you have a legitimate reason to create a ticket with GameSalad
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Worse case you may have to publish as a new app in the portal. If it works....remove the previous one.
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Oh wait ! Your using a PC? I may be giving bad advise. I'm not sure my advise can help. Sorry.
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I also tried it on a mac...same result, the generating button just gets stuck and never generates the app (it says "your app has been uploaded to generation" so its going to where it needs to go, but it never comes back)
Hmmm. Very weird @GeorgeGS
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That's why I was wondering if its a bug because I know they just updated the publishing process yesterday, but nobody seems to be having the same problem...I sent it into support, so mabey they are working on it idk...
I hope they find a solution quickly for you.
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You may not be the only one having this issue...
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Thank you I'm with tech support so ill help him out when I'm done
Yeah. I had to contact support and they had to refresh my request from their end or something. Its all good now. I think what happened is i tried generating it while they were doing an update so it got stuck