Actor in motion- I touch spawn and drag. Why does the original actor slow down?
J's Junction
IllinoisMember, BASIC Posts: 81
Hey! I am fairly new to Game Salad. I am loving it! I finally have my creative outlet for which I have been searching.
I have learned much within a month. I would like to learn why the original actor slows down when touch, spawn, then dragged. How can I keep the actor moving at its original speed?
Thanks for your help!
Best Answers
Socks London, UK.Posts: 12,822
@jhoweleriii said:
I would like to learn why the original actor slows down when touch, spawn, then dragged.What does 'when touch, spawn, then dragged' mean, it's not clear ?
frd Posts: 191
Perhaps it is because it is the same actor? Maybe you should have a second actor which looks the same but has different rules, rather than the same actor?
I have actors in constant motion on the scene. I want to be able to drag a copy of the actor. So once the actor is touched/clicked it spawns at the mouse position. I then drag the spawned actor; however, the original actor slows down. How can I keep it at its original speed? Thanks!
Why does it slow down ?
I tried having a second actor but it still slowed down. I think it may have to do with my movement code. I used interpolate and when it reaches a x or y position it then interpolates to another then reaches that x or y position and interpolates the a new position and so on.
Once I touch it to spawn that is when it slows down.
I read it may have to do with drag not being at 0, but when I set drag to 0 it still slowed.