What is the upper limit on rows?

I was running a test to see how many rows containing tracked x,y's can be generated without removing a row before the game crashes. Their would be about 4-5 enemies at once on screen, regenerating at a rate of 1 enemy every 0.6 seconds, while I destroyed them 1 by 1. I manage to get to 300 rows generated before giving up.

Now I have two questions.

  1. I thought the limit of rows was 50, but display text showed that 300 rows had been added.
  2. Is it more efficient to have remove row to constantly remove unused rows from dead enemies?

I didn't add remove row as I thought of the problem that when an enemy died and another was added, all the enemies stats contained within the row would have to move up or down, I fear that it may cause some kind of problem with identifying an actors attributes in the table.


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