Im Freaking out!

ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Oh no! oh no oh no oh no oh no!!!!!

My game is having a seizure! I can't shoot! I have shooting attributes that do different damage depending on a number. Now it doesn't work, there is one combination that does make the actor shoot, but the enemies act like god. They can't be killed.

Anyone else had this problem? 6 whole months of work has been put into this, I don't want to have to start over again!

Please! Help!



  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    Why is it not working Whats have you changed recently that has caused this, have you updated GS?
  • ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297
    Yes I have updated, I reverted my changes, still not working. Not sure if this is helpful, but I have been copying and pasting behaviours to one actor to another. Could this be a cause?
  • ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297
    Yes I have updated, I reverted my changes, still not working. Not sure if this is helpful, but I have been copying and pasting behaviours to one actor to another. Could this be a cause?
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    You can still edit stuff, right?

    Go through every actor and check everything.

    In the words of Douglas Adams:

    Don't Panic.

    Good luck,

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • reddotincreddotinc Member Posts: 653
    It will always be the last place you look, so look there first :P

    // Red Dot Inc
  • ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297
    Ok thanks guys
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Create a new scene and add your basic actors and try to get it to work there first. Also some times If an actor isn't working the way it once was I delete it from the scene and re add it and that fixes it.
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    And maybe double-check the self. and game. stuff in your Rules, especially stuff you copied across. Might be something there needs correcting...

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    And don't forget the Otherwise parts of your rules.
  • jstrahanjstrahan Member Posts: 498
    Gyro is more than likely right if you made any actor attributes they dont get copied or at least not for me
  • ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297
    But thats the thing, I have only made like two new actors. I delete them but the problem still lingers. And after I made those two actors, it was acting fine for 5 previews, then it just screwed up! I have checked my code, and yet I don't think it is my code.

    I will keep looking at everything
  • ForteForte Member, PRO Posts: 297

    I did what you told me and it still does not work.

    Personally, I am not blaming GameSalad for the problem, but I personally think its not a bug in the code, but a bug in the software.

    I have been through many bugs in my code but this one I am almost certain its not my code
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