Best way to learn Gamesalad books/Online classes
Looking to learn gamesalad, I bought 3 gamesalad book that helped a little but im trying to build a defense game and was wondering if there is any books or online classes that could help me build that. thank you.
I have both a book and a class (and lots of free tutorials) all linked in my signature below. Both the book and the class are 5 star rated (on Amazon and Udemy). Neither specifically teach a defense game as a lesson, they will both leave you with a solid understanding of Gamesalad though. Some of the game types I cover is lessons in the book and class are runner games, physics puzzle games, space shooter and more.
You can find direct links to the book and class at the link below if you want more information.
Hope that helps. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page