Whats better? 1 or 2 apps?
I was wondering if its better:
- 1 app with an in-app purchase to have the app banner free
- 2 apps, 1 bannerfree app and 1 banner app with link to banner free app
What do you advice me?
Thank you.
I was wondering if its better:
What do you advice me?
Thank you.
I assume you talk about "free" = ad monetised version and an premium version without any ads but priced
there is really no right or wrong
it depends on what game you create and what makes most sense to this specific case
My Apps
Yes thats what i was trying to say :-)
I guess you just make an exact copy of the ad monetized version and get ride of all the ads to make the priced version?
And then add some stuff to the priced version if you like?
Thank you
as you like
but yes definitely have a mix of banners and interstitial ads for the free version to make money, I live mainly of my ad revenue
I started to have more in-apps in my games but still ad revenue is
80% the other 20% the in-app purchases
My Apps
Could always do a free version with ads at first as a way to check for any bugs you may of missed and then once your sure there's nothing there release a paid one. Since nothing's worse then buying a app that has issues. That's my plan anyway.
Could always make a custom banner of your own that shows up sometimes that links to the paid version or maybe a remove ads button. That way you can help direct people toward the paid one.
If going the 2 apps model:
Releasing the free version first before the paid one is not a good strategic business model. You will be limiting your potential paid sales. You release your paid app first, to try and get your paid sales. A week or 2 later you then release the free version, to sort of remind the app store about your paid app.
Otherwise, by releasing the free app first, it most likely got quite a few downloads and people are most likely to not really care about the paid version later since they already played your game.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy yeah that's very true, I was thinking more of those people who hate ads and would rather buy the game over having the ads.
Sounds nice!
In this case i launch 2 separated apps which will help me.
Any other good strategies for selling my app??