Device clock or System clock

CaptainChocoCaptainChoco Member, BASIC Posts: 124
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

Is there any way to check device clock(or system clock)?
I wanna add 1(or several) action point per hour or day in realtime in game.(like most SNG)



  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    no access to device clock but you have game.time scene.time and self.time ticking away to inform you of how long something has been alive!
  • CaptainChocoCaptainChoco Member, BASIC Posts: 124
    Oh, thank you, Rob2. I'll try. :)
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    Nice avatar image! BTW - I would really like to be able to turn off the "system clock" power bar etc. on my app ( which is running in 2x mode on iPad ) it would make things look so much nicer
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